Robnipulate (verb): to touch and/or retouch "Robert Pattinson" with skillful hands, by the use of mechanical means.

Posts tagged “Weightlifter Rob

RobNip™ 6.2 – Weightlifter Rob

It’s Olympic Rob week here at RobNipulations, in case you missed it… Join us as we revel in the sexiness that is Rob. In tight clothing. Arrrrgh.

Know what’s sexy? Weightlifter Rob.


Weightlifter Rob needs your help. You see, he’s in training for the Olympics, and he really needs someone to work with. You can help him out. I can see it now. He does push ups and you lie there. Up and down. Up and down. His muscles flexing with every extension… Other parts flexing with every thrust downward. That’s some good motivation!

And afterward, he can be your motivation as you work out. You can work out your thighs, your arms, your glutes. And you never even have to get up off of Weightlifter Rob.  When it’s Weightlifter Rob’s turn again, he can work on bench pressing you. And if you have more of a “connection” than people usually do while working out, who’s to stop you.

Working out has never been this fun!