Robnipulate (verb): to touch and/or retouch "Robert Pattinson" with skillful hands, by the use of mechanical means.

RobNip™ 57.3 – Ernest Hemingway Rob

On Rob’s next stop in his review of great writers in honor of NaNoWriMo, Rob pays homage to American journalist and author Ernest Hemingway.

Ernest Hemingway Rob is ready for a life of adventures, travels, and a series of wives.  Booze, women, seeing the world — you see how this might appeal to Rob!

Here we see Ernest Hemingway Rob on safari, triumphant over the king of the beasts!  Rob is, indeed, the king in all ways that matters. You also know I like the way handles his big, ummm, weapon.

However, I plan on taking that away from him and distracting him before he sinks too quickly into the role of Ernest Hemgingway Rob.  After all, we all want Rob to have only “happy endings.”  In fact, I think I’ll provide him with one, stat!

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